Frege: Hello Java

Here is a small code demonstrating Java interoperability in Frege:

module hellojava.HelloJava where
data LinkedList a = native java.util.LinkedList where
    native add :: Mutable s (LinkedList a) -> a -> ST s Bool
    native get :: Mutable s (LinkedList a) -> Int -> ST s (Maybe a) throws
    native new :: () -> STMutable s (LinkedList a)
    fromFregeList :: [a] -> STMutable s (LinkedList a)
    fromFregeList xs = () >>= loop xs where
        loop (x:xs) jlist = LinkedList.add jlist x >> loop xs jlist
        loop [] jlist = return jlist
plusTop :: Mutable s (LinkedList Int) -> ST s (Maybe Int)
plusTop xs = do
    a <- xs.get 0
    b <- xs.get 1
    return ((+) <$> a <*> b)
data IndexOutOfBoundsException = native java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
derive Exceptional IndexOutOfBoundsException

data Exception = native java.lang.Exception
derive Exceptional Exception
data NullPointerException = native java.lang.NullPointerException
derive Exceptional NullPointerException
pure native showThrowable toString :: Throwable -> String
main _ = do
    javaList <- LinkedList.fromFregeList [1, 2, 3]
    try (\xs -> plusTop xs >>= (println . maybe "Got a null pointer" show)) javaList 
        `catch` (\(npe :: NullPointerException) -> println $ showThrowable npe)
        `catch` (\(exception :: Exception) -> println $ showThrowable exception)

We can observe the following things from the above code:

  1. Making use of a Java class and its methods
  2. Using a Java object in a Frege function
  3. Using Java Exceptions in functions
  4. Handling Java exceptions

1. Making use of a Java class and its methods:

If a Java class is pure then without much effort, we can use that class in Frege. For example,

data Integer = native java.math.BigInteger where
    pure  native abs                                  :: Integer -> Integer
    pure  native negate                               :: Integer -> Integer
    pure  native valueOf java.math.BigInteger.valueOf :: Long -> Integer

A Java class is declared with data declaration in Frege. The identifier after the data keyword is the corresponding type for the Java class in Frege and the qualified Java class is identified after the native keyword followed by the instance methods, static methods or even some Frege functions not defined in the original Java class.

An important point here is that the instance methods on BigInteger take Integer as their first argument which is the this reference on which the methods will be invoked.

Coming back to our original example, here we are trying to use the mutable Java class java.util.LinkedList. An obvious difference between this one and the BigInteger example is that the functions now do not have the pure keyword in front.

The next difference is that the instance methods now cannot take the simple type like LinkedList a as we did for Integer but the type is now Mutable s (LinkedList a) since it is not a pure function. If we don’t annotate a native function pure and we don’t use Mutable to consume or return a mutable Object, it will be a compilation error. Mutable objects can only be used in ST or IO actions so the return type must be in ST or IO monad.

The LinkedList.add() method returns a boolean. Since it is an impure function, it should be used in ST monad. Here the boolean itself is pure so it is just ST s Bool. Take a look at the third function new, LinkedList constructor. This function is impure and it returns a mutable object, a new LinkedList instance, so the return type is ST s (Mutable s (LinkedList a)) for which the shorthand is STMutable s (LinkedList a).

Here is an example for a native function not being part of a native data declaration. This is useful when a native class is already declared in Frege in some module but the function that we are looking for is missing in the data declaration.

pure native showThrowable toString :: Throwable -> String

Here showThrowable is the Frege function name for Throwable.toString(). Since it is an instance method on Throwable, the first argument is of type Throwable and then the formal arguments’ types (in this case, none) and return type.

2. Using a Java object in a Frege function

A native data declaration doesn’t have to just contain the native members, it can also have additional Frege functions. In our example, the function fromFregeList is not defined in the Java class but it has been added as an utility function to create a LinkedList from a frege list. Here again the same rule as in the previous section applies: To return a mutable Java object, we should use ST s (Mutable s TheJavaType) which is nothing but STMutable s TheJavaType.

In the same way, the plusTop function takes a mutable Java object so the parameter type is Mutable s (LinkedList Int). Also since it consumes a mutable type, it must be in ST monad hence the return type is ST s (Maybe Int) returning an Maybe Int in ST.

3. Using Java Exceptions in functions

To use a Java Exception class, it must be first defined in a Frege module. It is the same as declaring native declaration for a Java class but additionally we need to derive the Exceptional type class so that the exception can later be handled with catch.

data IndexOutOfBoundsException = native java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException

derive Exceptional IndexOutOfBoundsException

The exceptions can then be used in native declarations as in get function in our example:

native get :: Mutable s (LinkedList a) -> Int -> ST s (Maybe a) throws

4. Handling Java exceptions

In two ways, we can handle exceptions:

  1. Using action `catch` handler1 `catch` handler2

    The type of catch is Exceptional β => ST γ α -> (β->ST γ α) -> ST γ α.

    Here the action is the code where an exception might be thrown and the handlers handler1 and handler2 take an exception and return another value in ST monad. The infix notation facilitates adding multiple handlers with better readability. Further here the handler1 must be more specific(in terms of the types of the exceptions being handled) than handler2. Also note that from Frege standard library with respect to catch:

    Note If action is of the form: doSomething arg then, depending on the strictness of doSomething the argument arg may be evaluated before the action is returned. Exceptions (i.e. undefined values) that occur in the construction of the action do not count as exceptions thrown during execution of it, and hence cannot be catched.

    Example: println (head []) `catch` ....

    will not catch the exception that will be thrown when println evaluates

    For a remedy, see try.

  2. Using try

    First, the type: try :: Monad γ => (α-> γ β) -> α -> γ β

    Unlike catch, try takes a function that produces a monadic value. If the function can throw an exception, it must result in an ST monad which can then be passed to catch to handle those exceptions. In our example, \xs -> plusTop xs >>= (println . maybe "Got a null pointer" show) is the function which when applied to a java.util.LinkedList might throw a NullPointerException or IndexOutOfBoundsException:

    try (\xs -> plusTop xs >>= (println . maybe "Got a null pointer" show)) javaList
        catch` (\(npe :: NullPointerException) -> println $ showThrowable npe)
        catch` (\(exception :: Exception) -> println $ showThrowable exception)

Since the construction of action is deferred through a lambda here, try eliminates the issue with catch mentioned in the above note.

###Extending a class or implementing an interface in Frege:

One thing that is not shown in the example is extending a Java class or implementing an interface in Frege. Unfortunately both are not possible in Frege yet. There is a workaround though using a Java class which extends a class or implements an interface but instead of an implementation on its own, it just delegates to a Frege function. For example, see here for implementing java.lang.Runnable in Frege using a Java class frege.runtime.SwingSupport which takes a Frege function and then delegates to it in run method implementation.

This concludes our little experimentation calling Java from Frege. The other interesting side, calling Frege from Java, is for a future post.
