Happy to announce Idris JVM 0.7.0 release! In addition to enabling Idris 0.7.0 features for the JVM backend, this release also includes:
- Exporting Idris functions to Java static methods, instance methods and constructors.
- Exporting Java classes from Idris that can extend other classes and implement Java interfaces.
- Exporting functions and classes with Java annotations including function parameter annotations.
- Exporting type class instances and functions that make use of them to be able to be called from Java.
Documentation with examples that explain calling Idris functions from Java is available here: link.
Here is a complete example in Idris and Java for demonstration:
module Main
import Data.String
import Data.List
-- Define some import aliases to avoid repeating fully qualified name
idris/String IdrisString
idris/data/List IdrisList
idris/data/Maybe IdrisMaybe
jvmImports : List String
jvmImports = []
-- Export Idris types to Java
typeExports : List String
typeExports = []
-- Exports Idris List's nil constructor as a static method into generated Java class aliased by `IdrisList`
%export """
jvm:public static nil
"enclosingType": "IdrisList",
"returnType": "IdrisList"
idrisNil : List a
idrisNil = []
-- Exports Idris List's cons constructor as a static method into generated Java class aliased by `IdrisList`
%export """
jvm:public static cons
"enclosingType": "IdrisList",
"arguments": [{"type": "Object"}, {"type": "IdrisList"}],
"returnType": "IdrisList"
idrisCons : a -> List a -> List a
idrisCons = (::)
-- Exports the Show typeclass instance for Idris Int type to Java
%export """
jvm:public static show
"enclosingType": "idris/Int",
"returnType": "Show"
showInt : Show Int
showInt = %search
- Exports the Show typeclass instance for Idris String type to Java
%export """
jvm:public static show
"enclosingType": "IdrisString",
"returnType": "Show"
showString : Show String
showString = %search
data Color = Red | Green | Blue
Show Color where
show Red = "Red"
show Green = "Green"
show Blue = "Blue"
-- Exports Color constructors as static methods to Java under class Color.
%export """
jvm:public static red
"enclosingType": "Color",
"returnType": "Color"
red : Color
red = Red
%export """
jvm:public static green
"enclosingType": "Color",
"returnType": "Color"
green : Color
green = Green
%export """
jvm:public static blue
"enclosingType": "Color",
"returnType": "Color"
blue : Color
blue = Blue
%export """
jvm:public static show
"enclosingType": "Color",
"returnType": "Show"
exportShowColor : Show Color
exportShowColor = %search
%export """
jvm:public static show
"enclosingType": "Color",
"arguments": [{"type": "Color"}],
"returnType": "String"
showColor : Color -> String
showColor = show
-- Exports Show typeclass instance to Java for Idris List given its element's Show typeclass instance
%export """
jvm:public static show
"enclosingType": "IdrisList",
"arguments": [{"type": "Show"}],
"returnType": "Show"
exportShowList : Show a => Show (List a)
exportShowList = %search
%export """
jvm:public static just
"enclosingType": "IdrisMaybe",
"arguments": [{"type": "Object"}],
"returnType": "IdrisMaybe"
exportJust : a -> Maybe a
exportJust = Just
%export """
jvm:public static nothing
"enclosingType": "IdrisMaybe",
"returnType": "IdrisMaybe"
exportNothing : Maybe a
exportNothing = Nothing
%export """
jvm:public static show
"enclosingType": "IdrisMaybe",
"arguments": [{"type": "Show"}],
"returnType": "Show"
exportShowMaybe : Show a => Show (Maybe a)
exportShowMaybe = %search
%export """
jvm:public static show
"enclosingType": "Show",
"arguments": [{"type": "Show"}, {"type": "Object"}],
"returnType": "String"
exportShow : Show a => a -> String
exportShow = show
%export """
jvm:public static replicate
"enclosingType": "IdrisString",
"arguments": [{"type": "BigInteger"}, {"type": "char"}],
"returnType": "String"
exportStringReplicate : Nat -> Char -> String
exportStringReplicate = String.replicate
main : IO ()
main = pure ()
Java calling the Idris functions:
package hello;
import helloworld.Color;
import idris.Int;
import idris.data.List;
import idris.data.Maybe;
import idris.prelude.Show;
import static helloworld.Color.blue;
import static helloworld.Color.green;
import static helloworld.Color.red;
import static idris.data.List.cons;
import static idris.data.List.nil;
import static idris.data.Maybe.just;
import static idris.data.Maybe.nothing;
import static idris.prelude.Show.show;
import static java.math.BigInteger.TEN;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List idrisIntList = cons(23, cons(45, nil())); // Create an Idris list of integers
List idrisStringList = cons("foo", cons("bar", nil()));
// Create an Idris list of Colors defined as data Color = Red | Green | Blue
List idrisColorList = cons(red().toIdris(), cons(blue().toIdris(), nil()));
// Get Show instance for Idris List given a show Instance of Int
Show intListShow = List.show(Int.show());
Show stringListShow = List.show(idris.String.show());
Show colorShow = Color.show();
Show colorListShow = List.show(colorShow);
Show colorMaybeShow = Maybe.show(colorShow);
// Use exported Idris Show instances to print Idris List for differnt element types
System.out.println(show(intListShow, idrisIntList.toIdris()));
System.out.println(show(stringListShow, idrisStringList.toIdris()));
System.out.println(show(colorListShow, idrisColorList.toIdris()));
System.out.println(show(colorShow, green().toIdris()));
System.out.println(show(colorMaybeShow, just(green().toIdris()).toIdris()));
System.out.println(show(colorMaybeShow, nothing().toIdris()));
System.out.println(idris.String.replicate(TEN, 'A'));
Here is the output:
[23, 45]
["foo", "bar"]
[Red, Blue]
Just Green
With all of these things, we can now write a complete Spring Boot application as well in Idris! Example here.
Exporting Idris functions and types along with foreign function interface thus allows us to integrate Idris much easily into existing Java ecosystem.